PAePay® Traffic Ticket or Court Costs - Search

    Welcome to the Administrative Office of the Pennsylvania Courts' (AOPC) eCommerce Website. This site allows the public to securely pay traffic tickets, court costs, fines, or restitution to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Common Pleas and Magisterial District courts. This site has been approved by the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania and is maintained by the AOPC.

    To make a payment for the Philadelphia Municipal Court - Traffic Division, please search by 'Citation Number' or 'Person' and select 'Philadelphia Traffic Division' as the Court Type.

        Additional Info

        Please click here for a list of counties that currently accept electronic payments. You may select the county link on the following page for a full list of docket types approved by the county for electronic payment. This site displays only court financial obligations approved for online payment. You may have other outstanding financial obligations with the courts of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Any type of local municipal citation must be paid to the local municipality. Payments may be made using Visa, Mastercard, Discover or American Express credit/debit cards or by ATM card only. Upon submitting a payment through this site, users will be assessed a non-refundable service fee of 2.75% for each transaction submitted. The maximum payment amount that can be applied to fines, costs and restitution is $2,500 per transaction. A payment cannot be cancelled after a USBank confirmation number is issued. Any questions about payments submitted to a court must be directed to the court.

        The information on this site is compiled and made available for public use by the AOPC. Every effort is made to provide accurate and up-to-date case balance information. However, recent case entries made by the individual courts may not be immediately reflected on this site. The Unified Judicial System and the AOPC make no representation as to the accuracy, completeness or utility, for any general or specific purpose, of the information provided herein and as such, assume no liability for inaccurate or delayed data, errors or omissions. The information on this site does not constitute the official record of judicial or administrative actions of the respective courts of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. If the official records of the individual courts differ from the information provided in this system, the official records should be relied upon. Users of this payment system are responsible for verifying the accuracy, currency, and completeness of the information contained on the system.

        The AOPC makes no guarantees regarding the timeliness of an online payment and its effect on the issuance or removal of a warrant from a case. The processing of payments is dependent upon the individual court to which the payment has been made.Case balances will not be updated until payments are processed by the court. Any payments pending processing by an individual court will have no effect on a previously issued warrant in one’s case or the suspension of one’s driver’s license. The AOPC is not responsible for any possible suspension of your driver’s license due to delays caused by: a) the unavailability of this payment system; or b) any processing delays incurred by the Common Pleas or Magisterial District Courts. It is your responsibility to ensure that a payment is paid in full and on time.

        For a case to be returned in the search results it must meet the following criteria:

        • For Magisterial District courts, the case has a docket type of Traffic(TR), Non - Traffic(NT), or Criminal(CR).
        • For Common Pleas courts, the case has a docket type of Criminal(CR), Summary Appeal(SA) or, for participating counties, Miscellaneous(MD) or Juvenile Delinquency(JV). Please click here for county participation.
        • For Municipal Court, the case has a docket type of Criminal(CR) or Summary(SU).
        In addition to the restrictions regarding county and court participation, the following criteria will prohibit a case/payment plan from being returned in the case search:
        • The case/payment plan has a zero or negative balance, except for certain cases that have been identified for prepayment for entry into a diversionary program.
        • The case is sealed or has otherwise been secured by the court.
        • The defendant is a minor (for Criminal (CR), Summary (SU), and Summary Appeal (SA) docket types only).
        • The case/payment plan has a redacted caption (for Criminal (CR), Summary (SU), and Summary Appeal (SA) docket types in Common Pleas courts).
        • The case is pending expungement.